4 research outputs found

    Efficient Specialized Spreadsheet Parsing for Data Science

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    Spreadsheets are widely used for data exploration. Since spreadsheet systems have limited capabilities, users often need to load spreadsheets to other data science environments to perform advanced analytics. However, current approaches for spreadsheet loading suffer from either high runtime or memory usage, which hinders data exploration on commodity systems. To make spreasheet loading practical on commodity systems, we introduce a novel parser that minimizes memory usage by tightly coupling decompression and parsing. Furthermore, to reduce the runtime, we introduce optimized spreadsheet-specific parsing routines and employ parallelism. To evaluate our approach, we implement a prototype for loading Excel spreadsheets into R environments. Our evaluation shows that our novel approach is up to 3x faster while consuming up to 40x less memory than state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: Accepted at the 24th International Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data (DOLAP 2022), March 29, 2022, Edinburgh, U

    Los efectos del cumplimiento de la condicio\u301n. Las rai\u301ces romanistas y el re\u301gimen en las codificaciones contempora\u301neas

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    El ensayo centra su atencio\u301n, desde una perspectiva comparativa sincro\u301nica y diacro\u301nica, en los efectos de la realizacio\u301n de la condicio\u301n, con particular referencia a los ordenamientos juri\u301dicos europeos y latinoamericanos. Algunos ordenamientos acogen, en esta materia, la regla de la retroactividad (eficacia ex tunc), mientras que otros hacen lo propio con la regla opuesta de la irretroactividad (eficacia ex nunc). esta duplicidad de orientaciones reconoce sus antecedentes ma\u301s remotos en el derecho romano. en efecto, la lectura de las fuentes induce a considerar que para los juristas romanos \u2013 guiados por el habitual pragmatismo, dirigido a adaptar las soluciones propuestas a las diferentes situaciones presentables o que se podri\u301an presentar \u2013 los efectos del negocio condicional a veces se producen ex nunc, otras, en cambio, ex tunc. Esta u\u301ltima solucio\u301n, reforzada por la autoridad de Bartolo, fue receptada por el Code Napole\u301on, mientras que la primera, mediante el ltro de la pandecti\u301stica, fue adoptada por el BgB. De ahi\u301 la duplicidad de soluciones, ambas atribuibles a la experiencia de la ciencia juri\u301dica romana

    Complement C3 inhibition in severe COVID-19 using compstatin AMY-101

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    Complement C3 activation contributes to COVID-19 pathology, and C3 targeting has emerged as a promising therapeutic strategy. We provide interim data from ITHACA, the first randomized trial evaluating a C3 inhibitor, AMY-101, in severe COVID-19 (PaO2/FiO2 <= 300 mmHg). Patients received AMY-101 (n = 16) or placebo (n = 15) in addition to standard of care. AMY-101 was safe and well tolerated. Compared to placebo (8 of 15, 53.3%), a higher, albeit nonsignificant, proportion of AMY-101-treated patients (13 of 16, 81.3%) were free of supplemental oxygen at day 14. Three nonresponders and two placebo-treated patients succumbed to disease-related complications. AMY-101 significantly reduced CRP and ferritin and restrained thrombin and NET generation. Complete and sustained C3 inhibition was observed in all responders. Residual C3 activity in the three nonresponders suggested the presence of a convertase-independent C3 activation pathway overriding the drug's inhibitory activity. These findings support the design of larger trials exploring the potential of C3-based inhibition in COVID-19 or other complement-mediated diseases